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Online Story

The Great Sasquatch Hoax!


In the Pacific Northwest (Vancouver – Seattle area), there are many stories about the Sasquatch (Bigfoot). The word Sasquatch comes from local Native American(1) language. It means “big hairy creature”. In the Vancouver area, many people love interesting Sasquatch stories. During the 1970s(2), one story seemed too good to be true.


On a sunny summer day, a tour bus was about 90 kilometers(3) away from Vancouver. The tour bus was driving next to a field in perfect Sasquatch country. A passenger looked out the window. In the field, he saw a big hairy creature walking next to the forest about 100 meters away.  He screamed, “Look, look at that!” Everybody could see a Sasquatch walking near the forest(4). The bus driver stopped the bus. Everybody got off the bus. People took pictures of Bigfoot as it disappeared into the forest. This was unbelievable! Some people wanted to chase after the creature(5). However, the bus driver had to keep his schedule. The bus returned to Vancouver(6). Many people immediately telephoned friends, relatives and newspapers about the incredible sighting.


Soon after, the police, some bus passengers, and newspaper reporters went to the field to investigate. They found huge footprints and pieces of hair near the sighting area. This was big news. First, it was in the local newspaper, then the local TV news, then the national newspaper, then the national TV news. Understandably, the top world experts quickly came to Vancouver in order to research all the evidence: pictures, passenger interviews, footprints, animal-like hair(7)! This had to be true! For 10(8) days, this was top news in Vancouver. However, the story had to come to an end.


There were four people involved in the hoax. Two people were in the forest making footprints and dressed like a Sasquatch. There was the original passenger that said, “Look!” And also, there was the bus driver!  The story was becoming too(9) big! They had to tell the truth before it became too serious. They all planned in advance to make a perfect Sasquatch(10) story. It was great while it lasted. Everybody wanted it to be true!


Expression:   It is too good to be true!

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