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高校 英語 教科書

Onlibe Story

If At First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again!

(KFC Success Story)


Are you motivated to succeed? Throughout his life, Colonel Harland Sanders faced many(1) failures and rejections. Sadly at age 5, his father died. When he was 12 years(2) old, he quit school. At the age of 17, he had already been fired from 4 jobs. When he was 18, he got married. And at age 20, his wife left him taking their one year old daughter with her. Between the ages 18 to 22, he unsuccessfully worked as a railroad(3) staff member. He joined the army for a very short time. He then applied to join law school. He was rejected. He decided to become an insurance(4) salesman. Failing again, he became a  cook and dishwasher in a small café. At age 65, he retired(5). On his retirement, he received a check from the government for 105 dollars every month. Colonel Sanders was extremely disappointed with his life. Up to age 65, he failed so much.


He thought about his experience and accomplishments. He realized that there were still many more goals to complete. There was one(6) thing that he could do better than anyone else. He knew how to cook.  So, he borrowed 87 dollars and bought some cooking supplies. He fried some(7) chicken using his own recipe. In Kentucky(8) State, he went door to door to sell his chicken. He also asked many restaurants to sell his chicken. Over 1000 restaurants refused his chicken. Finally, one restaurant agreed to sell his(9) fried chicken. Remember at the age of 65, he was extremely poor with almost nothing. At the age of 88, Colonel Sanders, the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, was a billionaire. It is never too late to start all over again. Most importantly, it is all about your attitude. No matter how difficult it becomes, never give up. We have many(10) opportunities to be successful. Go for it and make a difference!



Expression:   If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!

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